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Rory has an unrivalled knowledge and experience in matters related to building heritage acquired over the last twenty five years - with over thirty years in the Construction Sector. Between 2002 - 2017, he led a team of 120 Building Surveyors and 150 craftspeople for the National Trust, Europe’s largest conservation charity. The Trust has a portfolio of 30,000 buildings, including ancient structures, industrial buildings, around 5,000 tenanted cottages and some of the finest Grade I mansions in the UK. Rory’s work involved advising on guidance and policy, as well as the practical adaptation of traditional buildings for residential, facilities or office use, access for all, environmental retrofit and mitigation for wildlife.
Rory has organised training and development courses for building contractors, craftworkers, professionals and homeowners in the UK and Europe on all aspects of buildings conservation. He currently chairs the Chartered Institute of Buildings Conservation Special Interest Group, and is a member of MODI-FY, an EU team which is developing a modular heritage certification scheme for building professionals and managers.
Rory was the first Assessor in the country for high level Conservation NVQs. He prioritised training to level 3 for the entire National Trust Direct Labour team, enabling all to achieve a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (Heritage) card. The National Trust training programme for its buildings staff is now recognised to be the best among heritage organisations.
Among Rory’s proudest achievements is the setting up and management of a scheme to support apprenticeships in traditional building skills. He set up the framework for over 70 Apprentices in the National Trust, and lead another £1.5 million scheme which supported over 100 Apprentices in the wider heritage sector, with funding largely provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Rory has an MSc in Building Conservation, is a full member of the Institute of Historic Buildings (IHBC), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Buildings (CIOB), possesses the highest level of Heritage Certification through the CIOB and also has European Heritage Certification, where he is also a qualified trainer. In addition, he is a qualified NVQ Assessor in conservation.
Rory co-authored BS 7913: 2013 – the British Standard and definitive guide to the conservation of historic buildings. He was also Lead Author for the first volume of Specifications for Historic Buildings and is currently working on the next two volumes.
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